Undergraduate School Applications

Undergraduate School Applications

The college admissions process can be overwhelming and can lead to bad outcomes if not done correctly. Although it’s important to submit all the necessary information, admissions committees make their decisions based on the information provided, which can lead to students with perfect GPAs and SAT scores being turned down. We work with students to ensure they highlight their experiences, interests, accomplishments, goals, and ambitions.

Aligning accomplishments and goals are important because it allows admissions committees to ensure the student will be a good fit for their college or university. In meeting with students, we provide guidance on the best strategies and approaches during the college application process. We help students highlight the best attributes of their academic, professional, and personal backgrounds. This allows admissions committees to better understand the applicant, their experiences (academic, personal, and professional), their goals, extracurricular activities, and whether the college or university can serve the applicant’s academic and career needs.

One of our main services is teaching students about advanced academic research, which is vital for college applications. The ability to convey highly analytical and scientific knowledge of their field determines which students are rejected or accepted into their first-choice college. Students who have worked with other college consulting companies and who have a 4.0 GPA, 1600 SAT score, and 36 ACT have ended up at bad colleges and universities because they do not provide a clear understanding of advanced research. They also do not clearly indicate that they have the skills, knowledge, talent, or experience to succeed. Other college consulting companies can provide sentence structure, good grammar, and punctuation. However, if the student’s topics or content is bad, it doesn’t matter how well the essays are written. They will not be admitted. Therefore, we specifically focus on content. We advise students on cerebral, analytical, and fascinating topics they can discuss in their supplemental essays. Additionally, we teach students how to become advanced writers, scholars, and researchers.

We ensure that students provide cerebral, analytical, philosophical, altruistic, emotionally moving, inspirational, and unique essays on personal statements. This allows students to successfully make an emotional and academic appeal to Ivy League institutions and/or their dream colleges. Our worry is not whether students can gain admission to their top colleges. Instead, it’s whether students can succeed academically once on campus. Affluent families spend $200,000+ on boarding and private schools for their children. Hence, we ensure that CACG students can compete and keep up with their peers from boarding and private schools. If students are academically unsuccessful, students can quickly receive failing grades, have difficulty integrating on campus, encounter an inability to keep up with their classmates, and/or experience depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or mental health disorders. My goal is to ensure that students can succeed academically on their first day of college.


Services include:

  • Application strategy
  • Essay(s) strategy and development
  • Essay Guidance
  • Crafting a memorable and completing narrative
  • Identifying research focus
  • Supplemental material work
  • Assist with Early Decision/Early Action plans
  • Extracurricular guidance
  • Program selection guidance
  • College/university/program selection
  • Ensure pre-requisites are met
  • Career and academic advice
  • Standardized test scores are collected
  • Interview preparation
  • Ensure student meets application deadlines
  • Assist with financial aid documentation
  • Resume/portfolio review